So how does Lyons Roofing company help the local community one day at a time? How does any smaller construction company help daily for that matter?
(this post is not meant to be bragging or touting of Lyons Roofing, this post is meant to bring awareness to not only our community but others that may not realize the importance of community service)
Lets just start out by saying that everyone has the responsibility to reach out and lend a helping hand in the community when one is needed. It may not have to be a big donation or days/weeks of community service. It could be as small as the age old “helping an old lady cross the street” or as big as doing a habitat for humanity project. it is every persons and companies responsibility to help out when others are in need.
1 Peter 5:2 – Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight [thereof], not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;
Community Involvement
Lyons Roofing Company takes pride in the local community we so passionately serve. Whether it be a school, people in need or helping the “old lady cross the street” we take pride in making sure everyone that needs help that we have come in contact with, leave knowing that there are people and companies around that care.
How you and I can lend a helping hand. I use a local example that many roofing companies can join in on, if they haven’t already. Lyons Roofing Co. had a customer recently that was in extreme need of financing. She was an older widow on social security with a roof in dire need of replacement. We as a company did everything we could to get her the financing she needed to get the work done but just couldn’t get her approved for the amount needed for the full replacement. So we did what we could, we came to an agreement donating the cost of the labor, just making the customer responsible for the materials. She was able to get financing for the smaller amount and her roof was replaced timely.
So why did i tell you this story? Not to gloat, but a little example for other companies to take into consideration. Granted, all companies need to be careful, we all see people in dire need of roof replacement on a daily basis but how do we know if it is right or wrong or to help those people out? Honestly no body can tell you, you have to use your own judgement. Just remember, you can’t help every single person but we have the responsibility to help as many as possible!
Other simple ways we can help our community
- Take a garbage bag with you on your next inspection. (people on main roads tend to end up with trash in their front yard).
- Attend a local community event or purchase a both to show your community involvement.
- Encourage your employer if you are not the owner to get more actively involved in the community.
- School sports teams and bands are always in need of donation, sponsor a school.
- boys and girls clubs
- Churches
These are all simple ways a small donation or small amount of time invested could provide a great rewarding feeling in knowing you are giving your all to your community. After all, they support you and me!
Thank you again to all of our local partners in the greater Louisville, Ky area. 
- Charlestown High School Marching Band
- Charlestown High School Football Team
- Charlestown High School Cheer team
- Floyd Central Basketball
- Floyd Central Volleyball
- Clarksville High School Basketball
- Clarksville High School Football
- Scottsburg Volleyball
- Henryville High School Basketball
- Henryville Little League
- Silver creek High School
- New Albany High School